Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Hey, GoodMorning India, 

        Yes, it is the time to be selfish. It is the time to put your own efforts and to save the earth. If you dont think about yourself now, the world is going to come to a disaster where you will be left all alone with no gas and a big bundle of pollution. Its now that is  the time to change your own life style. You need to adapt to the changes in the environment, You know very well and might have learned in your school SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST. You need to go green, decrease you carbon footprint and to make your family and friends aware of the problems awaiting for us in the near future. The only thing that can help you survive is to look at all the alternatives that can help decrease the amount of carbondioxide (CO2) in the air, to decrease the use of fossil fuels, to use the reneweable sources of energy.

Here are some of the things that will not make much difference in you life , but is sure to make a lot of difference for your future, for your children's future. For you to breathe a fresh air and live a normal life as you are living now, just try to implement this few ideas in your routine and make yourself proud and satisfied.
  1. Plant a tree in your garden or on your street.
  2. Grow vegetables at home and spice you kitchen with homegrown herbs. Gardening will be fun for your kids.
  3. Use solar cookers and solar heater.
  4. Air dry your clothes and utensils.
  5. Share a ride.
  6. Use a two wheeler instead of your car whereever possible, it consumes less fuel. Try to use a hybrid car.
  7. Carry your own bags while you go for shopping.
  8. Recycle your used electronic device, cans and paper.
  9. Instead of vaccum cleaner, use hand duster . It saves you electricity
  10. Educate your childrens to go green. Make you neighbours aware and help to make a change.

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